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And the season of marigold is here 

With the vibrant colors that you want to share

With the people you really care 

Reminding of the invaluable gold

As well as festivals promising old…….

Today, we will find bright yellow and tangy orange marigolds in every garden. The humble marigold flower is one among those garden plants that are loved or hated—there’s little middle ground with this common annual. Marigolds are so deeply a part of these Indian festivals that it’s a true surprise to find out that the foremost commonly used kinds originated in Mexico and are in India for barely 350 years.

Attributes of Marigold

  • The most striking feature of one of the most popular gardens annual is its ability to bloom blazingly in all seasons.
  • Marigolds or Genda make the best companion plants all over the garden. Botanically it belongs to the genus Tagetes of Family Asteraceae (the Aster family).
  • One of the interesting facts is that these flowers are open when the sun is out. Therefore the Marigold is also called the “herb of the sun”, signifying passion and creativity.
  •  Genda Phool is highly used in puja but along with puja, it can also be used for indoor arrangements, often used in festivities honoring Mother Mary. Its presence in all holy rituals is believed to help eliminate negative energies. 
  • Marigolds are ideal long-lasting cut flowers, especially for making garlands. Sometimes the entire plant is cut and used for decorations.
  • Marigolds can be planted in flower beds for a mass display, in mixed borders, and can also be grown in pots.
  • Some of its types like dwarf marigolds are very suitable for hanging baskets, window boxes, rockeries, and edgings.
  • Not only beautiful to look at, but marigold is also endowed with immense beauty benefits for skin and hair. So, it is filled with essential medicinal properties. 

Categorization of MARIGOLDS 

  • African Marigold

These are healthy, tall growing (up to 90 cm) plants having large globular flowers, measuring up to 15 cm or more. Flowers are in shades of lemon yellow, bright yellow, golden yellow, and orange. 

  • French Marigold 

These are compact in habit, 30-35 cm tall and flower profusely in singles or doubles. Flowers are in shades of deep scarlet, rusty reds, primrose, yellow, golden yellow and orange 

  • Single Signet Marigold

It is another dwarf (30-35 cm) Marigold. These single flowers may be orange, lemon or yellow.

  • Hybrid Marigold

This is an interesting group of hybrids between African and French Marigolds. These are known as Red and Gold Hybrids. The plants are medium tall (60 cm) with double flowers with shades of yellow, orange, red.

Therapeutic Properties

  • There are various benefits of marigold in Ayurveda. Marigold is cooling by nature due to which it helps balance Pitta and Kapha Dosha. It has a bitter and astringent taste. 
  • The paste of its leaves acts as an anti-inflammatory in treating muscle pain. 
  • These marigold extracts carry antiviral, antibacterial, immuno-stimulating, and antifungal properties that reduce eye and ear infections.
  • One of the most common usages of marigold is its application to the irritated skin to decrease redness, sensitivity, itchiness, dryness, and swelling.
  • It is also used to decrease cramping by improving the circulation of blood to the painful area and reducing the inflammatory responses.
  • These flowers can be used as a natural repellent against mosquitoes, pests, and other bugs due to the repelling pungent odor of the volatile oils and antioxidant content.  

DIY Beauty Remedies of Marigold 

One of the most necessary features is the cooling effect of this flower. It can be used to treat acne, pimples, and sunburns. The paste of this flower can be used for Detanning for all types of skin. Along with enhancing the beauty of the garden, it adds beauty to the skin also. Isn’t it amazing? Let’s dig into some compelling face masks. 

DIY – Face pack for instant glow  


  1. Half cup marigold petals 
  2. 5 tbsp rosewater 
  3. 1/4 cup peeled apple slices

Grind together all the ingredients. Apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. 

It is high time to embrace our beauty with marigold plants. 

Cultural Significance 

Flower symbolism is interesting and full of fun facts we might never hear of. When we look at a flower no matter how small it is, we would never think that it can have such an interesting background to it and we will get to learn a lot about cultures and people who lived next to these flowers and created stories about them. Marigold flowers were used as sacred offerings in many cultures. Some of them include Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, and Aztec. The reason why people offer these beautiful flowers was probably because of their right yellow color and resemblance to gold and the sun.
The Marigold flower is telling us to share the sweetness we’ve got inside us with the planet. This bright and bold flower stands out no matter where you see it and it is showing us how to cherish what we have because there is no one else like us in the world.

How to Grow MARIGOLDS 

This is the most easy and fast growing plant. The petals of this plant is edible and can be add to dishes as a garnish and in lieu of saffron. 

  1. Cultivation of marigolds require well-drained soil and bright sunny spot. 
  2.  In India, Seeds can be sown in any time of the year, but the best time to start Marigolds by seeds is between May-July.
  3. Requires moderate watering 
  4. Depending on the variety, marigolds start to flower in about 2-3 months after sowing of seeds.
  5. Avoid using fertilizers 
  6. Attract butterflies, bees, ladybugs in the garden

The Marigold flower is telling us to share the sweetness we’ve got inside us with the planet. This bright and bold flower stands out no matter where you see it and it is showing us how to cherish what we have because there is no one else like us in the world. 



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