Organic producers rely on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible. Produce can be called organic if it’s certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Early consumers who were interested in organic food would look for non-chemically treated, non-use of unapproved pesticides, fresh or minimally processed food. They mostly had to buy directly from farms.
But to start living a healthy organic lifestyle in all is not that easy. You can start by taking small steps. It will not change all in a day but your consistent efforts can make it all someday.
Here are some easy ways you can start living an organic lifestyle.
1. Eat Organic – The best way to start with is to eat organic food. You can start with organic fruits and vegetables which promote a healthy body and soul. You can even grow your own food in your garden without using any chemicals or pesticides. Start with some beginner vegetables and herbs like rosemary, mint, potato, tomato, etc. You can use organic manure which includes neem Khali, jeevamrut, cow dung, etc.

2. Use organic products – Organic lifestyle is not only limited to organic food but broadens your home. Start using organic cleaning products for your home. You can also use natural cleaning agents from your kitchen like baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, and salt.
3. Organic Beauty – Use organic beauty products. Switch to organic soaps, essential oils, and makeup products. These organic products not only promote Green Earth but are also beneficial for your skin. They even help in treating some skin-related problems such as irritations, eczema, dehydration, acne, discoloration, etc.
4. Organic Clothing – Use clothes made of organic raw materials. There are many brands in the market today offering organic and sustainable clothing both for men and women.
5. Use a bicycle – If you have to go to a nearby place use bicycle or go on walking, it not only promotes a healthy environment but also has many health benefits as well.
You can start by following these five ways and can move ahead to living a healthy organic lifestyle.