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Benefits of Organic Gahat/Kulthi  Dal

Pulses are a vital part of the Indian diet. Pulses or dals are a significant supplier of protein,  such that vegan people use them in their everyday diet. Pulses (Dals) are commonly used in cuisine all over the world. In Indian cuisine, dals are used to make the dal dish, cheelas, pakoras, dosas,  sweets like halwa and ladoos, chutneys, khichdi’s, chutney podis, kebabs, parathas, soups, also cooked along with meats like chicken and mutton, salads and many more. The variety of dals is endless. From moong dal to urad dal and chana to rajma, and lots of additional. One of them is Gahat dal or kulthi dal which is additionally named ‘Horse gram’. In India  Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, and Karnataka are the leading producer of Gahat dal or kulthi dal. Horse gram is very rich in protein, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, iron, zinc, and vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B12, etc. For ages Gahat dal or kulthi dal has been used as a remedy in Ayurveda due to its stunning results. Horse gram has associated with several health benefits which are discussed below.


1. Weight Loss

Consuming horse gram seeds can help you in maintaining your body weight by burning fat. Gahat dal has phenol present in it that helps in converting body fat into energy. Which results in fat loss.

2. Control Diabetes

Gahat dal is a diabetic-friendly food. The consumption of unprocessed horse gram seeds after a meal can reduce high blood sugar levels by slowing down carbohydrate digestion and reducing insulin resistance.

3. Traditional Medicine

Gahat dal has been a part of traditional medicines in India for years ago. Various health issues such as anemia, urinary problems, cough, cold, peptic ulcer, jaundice, and even menstrual problems can be cured by consuming horse gram.

4. Good for Heart

Gahat dal helps in maintaining your heart’s health as it reduces bad cholesterol in your body and increases good cholesterol. Also, the antioxidants present in it protects your heart from any damage caused by free radicals.

5. Good For Respiratory Health

Gahat is very beneficial for our respiratory health and provides relief from cold, cough, and fever. You should take gahat dal soup if you are suffering from a cold or cough. Polyphenols present in it help in extracting phlegm and provides relief. It also helps in both curing and prevention of  Asthma.

6. Prevent Kidney Stones

Consuming gahat or kulthi dal daily can help to avoid kidney stone formation and helps in the removal of kidney stones from the body.

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