Giloy is a herbaceous vine having heart-shaped leaves that grows well in tropical regions. Its botanical name is Tinospora cordifolia and is commonly known as Guduchi, Amrita, Moonseed, or Giloy. It is a perennial plant and grows in hardiness zones 5-7. This plant spreads quickly in summer and sheds all the leaves in winter. Leaves start growing back after winter is over. It is a powerhouse of anti-oxidants and helps eliminate toxins, purify the blood, keep your cells healthy and fight free radicals. It is good for treating cough and cold.
How to Grow Giloy
Giloy can be grown from seeds and from cuttings. Let’s discuss both methods one by one.
From Seeds
Purchase good quality seeds from a nursery. In the month of May or June, soak them in water for a night and sow them in soil. Put the container or pot in a sunny location and water regularly to keep the soil moist. The seeds will transplant in 10-12 days.
From Cutting
This method is more feasible for growing moonseed. Cut a healthy stem 5-6 inches long from a well-established plant. Cut the base of the stem at 45° and remove the leaves at the bottom. Plant the stem directly into the ground and keep it in a bright place and water regularly.
Caring Moonseed Plant
Giloy plant prefers 6-8 hours of direct sun every day.
Water your Giloy plant when the top layer of the soil is dry. Water your plant frequently in summers and cut down the rate during the winters. Do not overwater your plant.
Giloy can flourish in any type of soil but make sure it is well-drained with good air circulation.
Only use organic fertilizer and do not use chemical fertilizers for the plant.
Benefits of Giloy
Giloy is used for years in Ayurveda for the treatment of various diseases and boosting immunity. Some of the benefits of Giloy are listed below.
- Giloy is used in the treatment of chronic fever, dengue fever, and corona-virus infection.
- It boosts immunity and digestion.
- It is also used in the treatment of Asthma, Diabetes, and eye disorders.
- Moonseed contains anti-ageing properties and reduces signs of ageing.
- It also reduces stress and anxiety improving mental strength.
- It is often useful in treating inflammatory disease and their symptoms.
- Giloy juice is beneficial for the skin and weight loss.
- It is also known to fight respiratory diseases.
- It is also used as a treatment for cough, cold, and tonsils.
The benefits of this vine are endless. Grow it in your garden and get multiple benefits and treatments for various diseases.
Dried Rosehip (25g)₹145.00
Dried Giloy (25g)₹80.00
Dried Geranium Leaves (25g)₹299.00